HOA Timeline

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  • Originally, board members served one-year terms starting on our charter date, so early presidents appear in consecutive years. This was changed in 1961 to conform to the calendar year.
  • HOA Awards & Honors - generally, honorees are announced at the Awards & Officer Installation Banquet held in January.
  • CSD Awards & Honors - in 1990, all prior CSD award honorees were retroactively inducted into the CSD Hall of Fame. Since then, the Barbershopper of the Year is recognized at the Spring Convention for the prior year's service, and the Hall of Fame honoree is inducted at the Fall Convention.


June 2 - Kansas City Missouri chapter becomes the second group to charter in the fledgling SPEBSQSA
June 18 - Combined gathering with 40 members of the Tulsa chapter

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
Presidents - Winthrop Williams, Joe Stern


Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
President - Joe Stern


Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
Presidents - Joe Stern, George Fairchild


*Chapter presents show "Sweet Adeline," with net proceeds donated to Children's Mercy Hospital.
1941 - Chapter Show
June - HOA quartet K.C. Barber Polecats take 2nd place in BHS Intl Quartet Contest 1941 , at St Louis, MO

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
Presidents - George Fairchild, Mark Pierce


June - HOA quartet K.C. Barber Polecats take 2nd place in BHS Intl Quartet Contest 1942 , at Grand Rapids, MI
1942 - KC (Barber) Pole Cats take 2nd place at Nationals… again!
August 15 - KC Chapter picnic

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
Presidents - Mark Pierce, Joe Stern


Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
Presidents - Joe Stern, Fred Perry


Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
Presidents - Fred Perry, Joe Stern


Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
Presidents - Joe Stern, Hec White


Chapter Leadership

Directors - Joe Stern, Jimmy Fern, Tom "Moonlight" Murphy
Presidents - Hec White, Ray Koenig


March - 1st Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Ray Koenig, Russ Gentzler

1948 - 10th Anniversary Year

March - 2nd Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
October - HOA quartet HyPower Serenaders wins CSD Quartet Contest

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Russ Gentzler, Rod Turnbull


March - 3rd Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Rod Turnbull, Dale Warrick


March - 4th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Dale Warrick, Orval Wilson


March - 5th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Orval Wilson, Milt Grafrath


March - 6th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
July - 1st time HOA hosts BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1952 , at Kansas City, MO
October - HOA quartet Gamboliers wins CSD Quartet Contest

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Milt Grafrath, Bert Phelps

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Russ Gentzler


March - 7th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Bert Phelps, Don Thorne

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Joe Stern


March - 8th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Don Thorne, Dan Jacobson

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Dan Jacobson


March - 9th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Dan Jacobson, Don Stephens

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Bob Gall, C V "Pete" Peterson, Orval Wilson


March - 10th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Stevens
Presidents - Don Stephens, Bob Gall

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - John Cross, Arlo Moore


March - 11th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
October - HOA quartet BMA Gamboliers wins CSD Quartet Contest

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Don Stevens, LaVerne Cable, Don Webb
Presidents - Bob Gall, Austin Thames, Jr.

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Arthur Babcock, Mike Michel, Austin Thames, Jr.


March - 12th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
Presidents - Austin Thames, Jr., C V "Pete" Peterson

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Donald Thorne


March - 13th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 1st Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army , at Emery, Bird, Thayer Department Store, Kansas City, MO

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
Presidents - C V "Pete" Peterson, Don Webb

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Ray Koenig, Bert Phelps


March - 14th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 2nd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Don Webb

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Percy Franks

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Sam Cohen Award, + HOF - Joe Stern


March - 15th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 3rd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Edgar Eichman

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - William Wall

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

District President - C V "Pete" Peterson


March - 16th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
July - 2nd time HOA hosts BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1962 , at Kansas City, MO
October - HOA quartet The Four Kippers wins CSD Quartet Contest
December - 4th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - William Wall

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Fred Nelson

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

District President - C V "Pete" Peterson

1963 - 25th Anniversary Year

March - 17th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 5th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Nile Abbott

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Don Webb


March - 18th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 6th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Dennis Taylor

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Ed Eichman

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Sam Cohen Award, + HOF - Orval Wilson
District President - Bob Gall


March - 19th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 7th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Dan Henry Bowser

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Nile Abbott

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

District President - Bob Gall


March - 20th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
October - HOA quartet The Four Kippers wins CSD Quartet Contest
December - 8th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Gil Lefholz

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Dan Henry Bowser

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Sam Cohen Award, + HOF - Bob Gall


March - 21st Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 9th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Harold Solomon

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Harold Robinette


March - 22nd Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 10th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Ed Rooker

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Gil Lefholz


March - 23rd Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 11th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Bernard Geier

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Frank Leone

SPEBSQSA / BHS Awards, Honors, & Roles

Society President - Bob Gall


March - 24th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets
December - 12th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Don Webb
President - Joe Costigan

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Floyd Davisson

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Sam Cohen Award, + HOF - Dan Henry Bowser


March 13 - 25th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets - featuring Four Statesmen, Clubhouse Four, Personal Touch , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
September 11 - Special Benefit Show with the NoJoCo Chapter - featuring Oriole Four
December - 13th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Don Webb, Dan Henry Bowser
President - John Garbett

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Bernard Geier

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Sam Cohen Award, + HOF - C V "Pete" Peterson


March - 26th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
December - 14th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Dan Henry Bowser
President - Frank Leone

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Joe Costigan


March 17 - 27th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets - featuring Roaring 20's, Fanfares, Kansas Citians , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
December - 15th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Dan Henry Bowser
President - Al Moritz

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Ed Rooker


March - 28th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 3rd time HOA hosts BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1974 , at Kansas City, MO
October - HOA quartet The Morning Times CSD Quartet Contest
December - 16th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Dan Henry Bowser, Jim Bagby
President - Ron Abel

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Al Moritz

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Barbershopper of the Year, + HOF - Gil Lefholz
District President - Gil Lefholz


March 22 - 29th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets - featuring Pacificaires, Kansas Citians, Morning Times , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
December - 17th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Lindle Bellis

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Ron Abel


March 20 - 30th Annual Show, "A Barbershop Salute to Uncle Sam" - featuring OK-4, Jax of Harmony, Kansas Citians , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October - HOA quartet Rural Route 4 wins CSD Quartet Contest
December - 18th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Bruce Wenner

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - John Garbett


March 12 - 31st Annual Show, Parade of Quartets - featuring Boston Common, Rural Route 4, Kansas Citians , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
December - 19th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Dale Neuman

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Don Stewart


March 18 - 32nd Annual Show, Parade of Quartets - featuring Dealer's Choice, Rural Route 4, Merry Mugs , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 20th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Don Stewart

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Frank Lasta


March - 33rd Annual Show, Parade of Quartets , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 8th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1979 , at Minneapolis, MN
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 21st Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Fred Whisman

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Jim Bagby

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Hall of Fame - Gil Lefholz
CSD Barbershopper of the Year, + HOF - Ron Abel


February - 1st Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March - 34th Annual Show, Parade of Quartets , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 10th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1980 , at Salt Lake City, UT
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 22nd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Dave Larson

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Clyde Mensen


February - 2nd Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 14 - 35th Annual Show, "Heart of America Harmony Reunion" - featuring The Suntones, Rural Route 4, Kansas Citians, Corner Quartet , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 6th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1981 , at Detroit, MI
October - HOA quartet Corner Quartet wins CSD Quartet Contest
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 23rd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Keith Schweer

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Dale Neuman


February - 3rd Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 13 - 36th Annual Show, "The Barbershop Times of Your Life" - featuring Grandma's Boys, Rural Route 4 , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 8th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1982 , at Pittsburgh, PA
October - HOA quartet Harmony Spectrum wins CSD Quartet Contest
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 24th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Jerry Fullington

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Bruce Wenner

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

District President - Ron Abel


February - 4th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March - 37th Annual Show , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 10th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1983 , at Seattle, WA
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 25th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Jim Davis

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Steve Leone

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Barbershopper of the Year, + HOF - Jim Bagby
District President - Ron Abel


February - 5th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 10 - 38th Annual Show, featuring Rural Route 4, Jax of Harmony , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
May 19 - "Fun Time" Cabaret Show
July - 9th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1984 , at St Louis, MO
October - HOA quartet Special Touch wins CSD Quartet Contest
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 26th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Jim Bagby, Steve Leone
President - Manley Vance

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Keith Schweer


February - 6th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March - 39th Annual Show , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 12th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1985 , at Minneapolis, MN
December - 27th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Steve Leone
Presidents - Rich Huyck, Keith Schweer

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Ed Sundermeyer

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Award of Merit, + HOF - C V "Pete" Peterson

SPEBSQSA / BHS Awards, Honors, & Roles

Society President - Gil Lefholz


February - 7th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 15 - 40th Annual Show, featuring New Tradition, Rural Route 4 , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - HOA quartet Rural Route 4 wins BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1986 , at Salt Lake City, UT
October - HOA quartet K C Connection wins CSD Quartet Contest
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 28th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Steve Leone
President - Bob Rutherford

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Jim Davis

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Mr. Music Award, + HOF - Jim Bagby

SPEBSQSA / BHS International Contests

Rural Route 4 BHS International Quartet Champion - Don Kahl, Calvin Yoder, Jim Bagby, Willard Yoder


February - 8th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 28 - 41st Annual Show, featuring Rural Route 4, Pros 'n' Cons , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 13th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1987 , at Hartford, CT
December - 29th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Steve Leone, David Krause
President - Marvin Faulwell

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Fred Whisman

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Award of Merit, + HOF - Wade Dexter

1988 - 50th Anniversary Year

February - 9th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March - 42nd Annual Show , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
December - 30th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - David Krause
President - Rod Rule

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Wade Dexter

SPEBSQSA / BHS Awards, Honors, & Roles

BHS Bulletin Editor of the Year - Wade Dexter


February - 10th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March - 43rd Annual Show , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 4th time HOA hosts BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1989 , at Kansas City, MO
December - 31st Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - David Krause
President - Jim Bagby

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - David Krause
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Bruce Wenner
John Cross Award - John Cross


February - 11th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 24 - 44th Annual Show , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 32nd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Directors - David Krause, Jim Bagby
President - Bob Howard

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Mike Mathieu
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Keith Schweer
John Cross Award - Paul Beard


February 14 - 1st Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 12th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 16 - 45th Annual Show, featuring Gas House Gang , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 7th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1991 , at Louisville, KY
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 33rd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Mike Mathieu

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Bob Howard
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Jim Bagby
John Cross Award - John McConnell

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Hall of Fame - Rural Route 4


February 14 - 2nd Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 13th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 14 - 46th Annual Show, featuring Rural Route 4 , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 12th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1992 , at New Orleans, LA
October - CSD Chorus Champions
December - 34th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Mike Mathieu

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Jim White
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Ron Abel
John Cross Award - Rich Huyck


February 14 - 3rd Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 14th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 13 - 47th Annual Show, featuring OK-4 , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July - 14th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1993 , at Calgary, Alberta, CAN
December - 35th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - John Pennington

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Mike Schumacher
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Darrell McCune
John Cross Award - Marty Oldehoeft


February 14 - 4th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 15th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 19 - 48th Annual Show, featuring Acoustix, Rural Route 4, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October - HOA quartet 12th Street Rag wins CSD Quartet Contest
December - 36th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - John Pennington

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Monty Duerksen
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - John Fortino
John Cross Award - David Miller


February 14 - 5th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 16th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 11 - 49th Annual Show, featuring Joker's Wild, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July 8 - 9th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1995 , at Miami Beach, FL
  1. "Bright Was the Night" David Wright
  2. "Give Me a Band and My Baby" Steve Jamison
December - 37th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Dale Neuman

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Don Young
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Don Newman
John Cross Award - Al Higgins


February 14 - 6th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 17th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
March 9 - 50th Annual Show, featuring Gas House Gang, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October - 2nd place in CSD Chorus Contest
  1. "Bright Was the Night" David Wright
  2. "Give Me a Band and My Baby" Steve Jamison
December - 38th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Don Young

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Darrell McCune
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - David Krause
John Cross Award - Jerry Snyder


February 14 - 7th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 18th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
May 3 - 51st Annual Show, featuring Nightlife, 12th Street Rag, Hubbub , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July 5 - 12th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1997 , at Indianapolis, IN
  1. "Pal of My Cradle Days" Ed Waesche
  2. "Give Me a Band and My Baby" Steve Jamison
October 4 - 3rd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Des Moines, IA
  1. "Pal of My Cradle Days" Ed Waesche
  2. "Give Me a Band and My Baby" Steve Jamison
December - 1st Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Classic Edition, 12th Street Rag, 4's Company, Hubbub , at RLDS Auditorium, Independence, MO
December - 39th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Don Young

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Marty Oldehoeft
John Cross Award - Chuck Ames

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Hall of Fame - David Krause
District President - Lud Einess


February 14 - 8th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 19th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
May 9 - 52nd Annual Show, featuring Keepsake, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July 3 - 15th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 1998 , at Atlanta, GA
  1. "Pal of My Cradle Days" Ed Waesche
  2. "I'd Give the World to Hear Alexander's Band"
October 10 - 4th place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Omaha, NE
  1. "Bright Was the Night" David Wright
  2. "I'd Give the World to Hear Alexander's Band"
December - 2nd Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring 12th Street Rag, 4's Company, Hubbub , at RLDS Auditorium, Independence, MO
December - 40th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Jim Bagby, Gordon Lankenau
President - Jon Gathright

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Joe Mathieu
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Harriet Gall
John Cross Award - Ken Neujahr

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

District President - Lud Einess


February 14 - 9th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 20th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
May 15 - 53rd Annual Show, featuring Jubilee Transfer, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October 2 - 3rd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Cedar Rapids, IA
  1. "Swanee"
  2. "If You Had All the World and Its Gold"
December - 3rd Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring 12th Street Rag, 4's Company, Hubbub , at RLDS Auditorium, Independence, MO
December - 41st Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Gordon Lankenau
President - Kevin Beauford

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Dick Korek
John Cross Award - Vince Perry III


February 14 - 10th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
March 4 - 21st Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
June 10 - 54th Annual Show, featuring Uptown Sound , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
July - 5th time HOA hosts BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2000 , at Kansas City, MO
December 2 - 4th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring 12th Street Rag, 4's Company, Hubbub, Gentlemen of Note , at RLDS Auditorium, Independence, MO
December - 42nd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Gordon Lankenau
President - Dick Irwin

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Ron McIntire
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Don Young
Trifecta and John Cross Award - Ron Abel
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Jerry Garrard

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Barbershopper of the Year - Lud Einess


February 14 - 11th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 22nd Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 24 - 55th Annual Show, featuring Gas House Gang, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October 13 - 2nd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Topeka, KS
  1. "I'll Be Seeing You" Rob Hopkins
  2. "Sweet Georgia Brown" Ed Waesche
December 15 - 43rd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army , at Blue Ridge Mall

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Gordon Lankenau, Jim Bagby
President - Dick Irwin

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Chuck Ames
John Cross Award - John Stucker
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship -


February 9 - 23rd Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
February 14 - 12th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
March 9 - 56th Annual Show, "United We Sing" - featuring Platinum, 12th Street Rag, Gentlemen of Note , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October 19 - 2nd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Wichita, KS
  1. "I'll Be Seeing You" Rob Hopkins
  2. "There'll Be Some Changes Made Medley" Ed Waesche
December 7 - 5th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring 12th Street Rag, Zing! , at Unity Village, MO
December - 44th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - John Stucker

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Vince Perry III
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Mike Neff
John Cross Award - Grant Hunget
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship -

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Barbershopper of the Year - Al Higgins


February 14 - 13th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 22 - 24th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 15 - 57th Annual Show, "It's a Grand Night for Singing" - featuring Michigan Jake, 12th Street Rag, Gentlemen of Note , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
October 11 - 2nd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Cedar Rapids, IA
  1. "For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne" Ed Waesche, John Hohl
  2. "There'll Be Some Changes Made Medley" Ed Waesche
December 6 - 6th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring 12th Street Rag, Zing! , at Unity Village, MO
December - 45th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
Presidents - John Stucker, Marty Oldehoeft

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Al Higgins
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Mark Fortino
John Cross Award - Jerry Garrard
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship -

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Barbershopper of the Year - 12th Street Rag

SCJC Awards & Honors

SCJC Judge Emeritus - John Stucker


January - CD "From the Heart"
February 14 - 14th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 25th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 13 - 58th Annual Show, featuring Rural Route 4, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July 3 - 13th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2004 , at Louisville, KY
  1. "For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne" Ed Waesche, John Hohl
  2. "Look Me Up When You're In Dixie" Renee Craig, Mark Hale
October 9 - CSD Chorus Champions , at Omaha, NE
  1. "For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne" Ed Waesche, John Hohl
  2. "Look Me Up When You're In Dixie" Renee Craig, Mark Hale
December 4 - 7th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Zing!, Jubilee Transfer, 4's Company , at Unity Village, MO
December - 46th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Marty Oldehoeft

HOA Awards & Honors

Joe Stern Lifetime Achievement Award - Gil Lefholz
Barbershopper of the Year - Grant Hunget
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Mike Schumacher
John Cross Award - Tony Strub
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Charles Ramirez

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Hall of Fame - Monty Duerksen
CSD Barbershopper of the Year - Don Fuson


February 14 - 15th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 26th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 19 - 59th Annual Show, "Love at Home" - featuring Power Play, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July 9 - 15th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2005 , at Salt Lake City, UT
  1. "Tie Me To Your Apron Strings Again" Judy Seawood Jamison
  2. "Look Me Up When You're In Dixie" Renee Craig, Mark Hale
October 8 - HOA quartet Take 4 wins CSD Quartet Contest , at Des Moines, IA
October 8 - CSD Chorus Champions , at Des Moines, IA
  1. "Tie Me To Your Apron Strings Again" Judy Seawood Jamison
  2. "Look Me Up When You're In Dixie" Renee Craig, Mark Hale
December 3 - 8th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Jubilee Transfer, Zing! , at Unity Village, MO
December 17 - 47th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Marty Oldehoeft

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Mike Neff
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Carter Combs
John Cross Award - Harvey Shapiro
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Brian Marston

SPEBSQSA / BHS Awards, Honors, & Roles

BHS Hall of Fame - Joe Stern


February 14 - 16th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 27th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 25 - 60th Annual Show, "Reflections" - featuring Gotcha!, 12th Street Rag , at Music Hall, Kansas City, MO
July 7 - 16th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2006 , at Indianapolis, IN
  1. "For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne" Ed Waesche, John Hohl
  2. "Runnin' Wild" David Wright
October 7 - HOA quartet Quadio wins CSD Quartet Contest , at Wichita, KS
October 7 - 2nd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Wichita, KS
  1. "For the Sake of Auld Lang Syne" Ed Waesche, John Hohl
  2. "Runnin' Wild" David Wright
December 2 - 9th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Zing!, 12th Street Rag , at Unity Village, MO
December 16 - 48th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 1st annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Tony Strub

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Kent McClean
Trifecta and Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Grant Hunget
John Cross Award - Kevin Tritsch
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Mike Owen


January - CD "Happy Together"
February 14 - 17th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 17 - 28th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 17 - 61st Annual Show, "Magic Moments" - featuring The Humdingers, 12th Street Rag , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
July 6 - 20th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2007 , at Denver, CO
  1. "Time After Time" Ed Waesche
  2. "Runnin' Wild" David Wright
September 10 - 1st Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
October 20 - HOA quartet High Definition wins CSD Quartet Contest , at Kansas City, MO
October 20 - 2nd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Kansas City, MO
  1. "That Old Quartet of Mine" Lou Perry
  2. "Runnin' Wild" David Wright
December 1 - 10th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Rural Route 4, Zing! , at Unity Village, MO
December 15 - 49th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 2nd annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jim Bagby
President - Tony Strub

HOA Awards & Honors

Director Emeritus - Jim Bagby
Joe Stern Lifetime Achievement Award - Dan Henry Bowser
Barbershopper of the Year - Jerry Garrard
Trifecta and John Cross Award - Mike Schumacher
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Mike Mathieu

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

District President - Don Fuson

SCJC Awards & Honors

SCJC Judge Emeritus - Oz Newgard


February 14 - 18th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 29th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 29 - 62nd Annual Show, "Music & Laughter" - featuring Metropolis, High Definition , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
July 4 - 19th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2008 , at Nashville, TN
  1. "When Day Is Done" Ed Waesche
  2. "You Make Me Feel So Young" Mark Hale
September - 2nd Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
October 11 - 3rd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Cedar Rapids, IA
  1. "When Day Is Done" Ed Waesche
  2. "You Make Me Feel So Young" Mark Hale
December 6 - 11th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Zing!, High Definition , at Unity Village, MO
December 20 - 50th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 3rd annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - David Krause
President - Doug Brott

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Tony Strub
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Dan Henry Bowser
John Cross Award - Tom Forsythe
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Doug Brott

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

District President - Don Fuson

SCJC Awards & Honors

SCJC Judge Emeritus - Joe Stern

SPEBSQSA / BHS Awards, Honors, & Roles

Joe Liles Lifetime Achievement Award - Jim Bagby
BHS Bulletin Editor of the Year - Todd Anderson


February 14 - 19th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 30th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 14 - 63rd Annual Show, "Swing n' Blues" - featuring 3 Men and a Melody, High Definition , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
September - 3rd Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
October 10 - HOA quartet Skyline wins CSD Quartet Contest , at Lincoln, NE
October 10 - 3rd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Lincoln, NE
  1. "Basin Street Blues" David Wright
  2. "Beautiful Dreamer" David Wright
December 5 - 12th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Zing!, High Definition, 4's Company , at Unity Village, MO
December 19 - 51st Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 4th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - David Krause
President - Doug Brott

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Mark Fortino
John Cross Award - Bob Howard
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship -


Harmonotes - January, February, March, April, May, Jun-Jul, August, September, October, November, December

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Hall of Fame - Don Fuson
CSD Barbershopper of the Year - Jim Bagby


February 14 - 20th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 31st Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
March 20 - 64th Annual Show, "New Found Sound" - featuring Lunch Break, High Definition , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
July 2 - 16th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2010 , at Philadelphia, PA
  1. "Love Me, and the World is Mine" David Wright
  2. "Basin Street Blues" David Wright
September - 4th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
October 9 - 2nd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Mason City, IA
  1. "Basin Street Blues" David Wright
  2. "Love Me, and the World is Mine" David Wright
December 4 - 13th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Zing! , at Unity Village, MO
December 18 - 52nd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 5th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - David Krause
President - Kent Miller

HOA Awards & Honors

Joe Stern Lifetime Achievement Award - Jim Bagby
Barbershopper of the Year - Carl Turlin
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Jerry Garrard
John Cross Award - John Erwin
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Rob Mathieu


Harmonotes - January, February, March, April, May-Jun, Jul-Aug, September, October, November, December


February 14 - 21st Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February - 32nd Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
April 16 - 65th Annual Show, "Gold & More Gold" - featuring Rural Route 4, Vocal Spectrum, Voices Unlimited , at Unity Village
July - 6th time HOA hosts BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2011 , at Kansas City, MO
July 8 - 14th place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2011 , at Kansas City, MO
  1. "Love Me, and the World is Mine" David Wright
  2. "Yes Sir, That's My Baby" David Wright
September - 5th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
October 8 - HOA quartet Voices Unlimited wins CSD Quartet Contest , at Kansas City, MO
October 8 - 4th place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Kansas City, MO
  1. "Love Me, and the World is Mine" David Wright
  2. "Yes Sir, That's My Baby" David Wright
December 3 - 14th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Voices Unlimited, Legacy , at Unity Village, MO
December 17 - 53rd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 6th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - David Krause
President - Vince Perry III

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Bob Burdick
Trifecta and John Cross Award - Bruce Wenner
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Jeff Garrard


Harmonotes - January, February, March, April, May-Jun, Jul-Aug, September, October, November, December

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Hall of Fame - Bert Phelps


February 14 - 22nd Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 18 - 33rd Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
April 14 - 66th Annual Show, "Smile, Darn Ya, Smile!" - featuring MaxQ, Voices Unlimited , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
July 6 - 21st place in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2012 , at Portland, OR
  1. "Sunshine Of Your Smile" Tom Gentry
  2. "Smile Medley" Clay Hine
September 20 - 6th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
October 13 - 3rd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Mason City, IA
  1. "Love Me, and the World is Mine" David Wright
  2. "Smile Medley" Clay Hine
December 1 - 15th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Vocal Spectrum , at Unity Village, MO
December 22 - 54th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 7th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Directors - David Krause, Mark Fortino
President - Vince Perry III

HOA Awards & Honors

Joe Stern Lifetime Achievement Award - Bob Gall
Barbershopper of the Year - Rich Huyck
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Jonathan Andrews
John Cross Award - Jim Clark
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Jake Wozniak


Harmonotes - January, February Part1 & Part2, March, Spring, Summer, Fall

2013 - 75th Anniversary Year

February 14 - 23rd Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
March 2 - 34th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
April 13 - 67th Annual Show, "Diamond Jubilee" - featuring Crossroads, Premium Blend , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
July - HOA qualifies, but declines to compete in BHS Intl Chorus Contest 2013 , at Toronto, Ontario, CAN
September 12 - 7th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
October 12 - 3rd place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Kansas City, MO
  1. "Cheer Up, Charlie" David Wright
  2. "South Rampart Street Parade" David Wright
October - HOA quartet Premium Blend wins CSD Quartet Contest
December 2 - HOA celebrates our 75th anniversary by performing at Carnegie Hall, NYC!
December 7 - 16th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Vocal Spectrum , at Unity Village, MO
December 21 - 55th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 8th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Mark Fortino
President - John Erwine

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Kent Miller
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Jerry Meier
John Cross Award - Carl Turlin
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Shaun Whisler


February 14 - 24th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 22 - 35th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
April 12 - 68th Annual Show, "…from Carnegie Hall" - featuring Main Street, Premium Blend , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
September 18 - 8th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
October 11 - 6th place in CSD Chorus Contest , at Cedar Rapids, IA
  1. "South Rampart Street Parade" David Wright
  2. "Wonderful One" David Wright
December 6 - 17th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Heat , at Unity Village, MO
December 20 - 56th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 9th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Mark Fortino, Jerry Garrard
President - John Erwine

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - John Erwine
John Cross Award - Carter Combs
Orval Wilson Harmony University Scholarship - Bob Valazquez

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Hall of Fame - Mark Fortino

SPEBSQSA / BHS Awards, Honors, & Roles

Dave LaBar Emcee Award - Dan Henry Bowser


February 14 - 25th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 21 - 36th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
April 11 - 69th Annual Show, "You've Got A Friend In Me" - featuring Date Night, Armchair Chorderbacks , at Yardley Hall, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
September 24 - 9th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
December 5 - 18th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Heat, Sheri and the Shoes , at Unity Village, MO
December 19 - 57th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 10th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jerry Garrard
President - Carter Combs

HOA Awards & Honors

Joe Stern Lifetime Achievement Award - Ron Abel, Bruce Wenner
Barbershopper of the Year - Jerry Meier
John Cross Award - Steve Keisker

SPEBSQSA / BHS Awards, Honors, & Roles

Society President - Don Fuson


February 14 - 26th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 16 - 37th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
September 24 - 70th Annual Show, featuring Hot Air Buffoons, Armchair Chorderbacks, Priorities , at Liberty Performance Center, Liberty, MO
September 29 - 10th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
December 3 - 19th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Class Ring, He Said, She Said, 4's Company , at Unity Village, MO
December 17 - 58th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 11th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Jerry Garrard
President - Carter Combs

HOA Awards & Honors

Trifecta and Barbershopper of the Year - Carter Combs
John Cross Award - Jim Porter

SPEBSQSA / BHS Awards, Honors, & Roles

Society President - Don Fuson


February 14 - 27th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 18 - 38th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
June 17 - 71st Annual Show, featuring Throwback, Harmonium, Armchair Chorderbacks , at Bell Cultural Events Center, MidAmerica Nazarene University, Olathe, KS
September 28 - 11th Annual Golf Scramble, "Par for the Chorus" , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
December 2 - 20th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Newfangled Four, Date Night, 4's Company , at Unity Village, MO
December 16 - 59th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 12th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Directors - Jerry Garrard, Bob Velazquez
President - Barry Sanders

HOA Awards & Honors

Joe Stern Lifetime Achievement Award - Vince Perry III
Barbershopper of the Year - Bob Velazquez
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Bob Velazquez
John Cross Award - John Braden

SCJC Awards & Honors

SCJC Judge Emeritus - Jim Bagby


February 14 - 28th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 17 - 39th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
April 11 - BHS 80th Anniversary Celebration Rural Route 4 , at Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, MO
June 16 - 72nd Annual Show, "Cradle of Harmony" - featuring After Hours, Singamabob , at Bell Cultural Events Center, MidAmerica Nazarene University, Olathe, KS
September 27 - 12th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
December 1 - 21st Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Class Ring, Date Night, 4's Company , at Unity Village, MO
December 15 - 60th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 13th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Bob Velazquez
President - Barry Sanders

HOA Awards & Honors

Joe Stern Lifetime Achievement Award - Mike Mathieu
Barbershopper of the Year - Harvey Shapiro
John Cross Award - Barry Sanders


February 14 - 29th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
March 16 - 73rd Annual Show, "On With The Show!" - featuring Harmonium, DoubleStuf , at Bell Cultural Events Center, MidAmerica Nazarene University, Olathe, KS
March 30 - 40th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
September 26 - 13th Annual Golf Scramble , at Falcon Lake Golf Course, Basehor, KS
December 7 - 22nd Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Vocal Spectrum, 4's Company , at Unity Village, MO
December 21 - 61st Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 14th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Bob Velazquez
President - Mike Schumacher

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Steve Keisker
Trifecta and John Cross Award - Bob Velazquez

2020 - most events cancelled due to COVID

February 14 - 30th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 22 - 41st Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival , at Grace United Methodist Church, Olathe, KS
April 4 - Annual Show, cancelled due to Covid shutdown
September 24 - 14th Annual Golf Scramble , at Winterstone Golf Course, Independence, MO
December 5 - Holiday Harmony Spectacular, cancelled due to Covid shutdown
December 19 - 62nd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 15th annual Caroling Caravan - via video, due to Covid

Chapter Leadership

Director - Bob Velazquez
President - Mike Schumacher

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Marlin Weidler
John Cross Award - Ron McIntire
Wade Dexter Harmony University Scholarship - Tom Hadley

2021 - many events cancelled due to COVID

February 14 - Singing Valentines, not scheduled, due to Covid
February 22 - 42nd Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival - video only, due to Covid
April - Annual Show, not scheduled, due to Covid
September 23 - 15th Annual Golf Scramble , at Winterstone Golf Course, Independence, MO
December 4 - 23rd Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Titanium, 4's Company , at Unity Village, MO
December 18 - 63rd Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 16th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Bob Velazquez
President - Mike Schumacher

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Tom Hadley
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Jennifer "Jeffi" Combs
John Cross Award - Don Fuson
Wade Dexter Harmony University Scholarship - Tony O'Brien

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Barbershopper of the Year - Doug Brott


February 14 - 31st Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
March 26 - 43rd Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival - video only, due to Covid
April - Annual Show, not scheduled, due to Covid
September 22 - 16th Annual Golf Scramble , at Winterstone Golf Course, Independence, MO
December 3 - 24th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Main Street, 4's Company , at The City House, Independence, MO
December 17 - 64th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 17th annual Caroling Caravan

Chapter Leadership

Director - Carter Combs
President - Charles Ramirez

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Don Fuson
Oz Newgard "Ozzie" Award - Dave Hokanson
John Cross Award - Rick Foreman
Wade Dexter Harmony University Scholarship - Charlie Hill


February 14 - 32nd Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 18 - 44th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
April 1 - 74th Annual Show, "The Roaring '20s" - featuring Midtown, Harmonium, Tapestry, Fortino & Co. , at The City House, Independence, MO
September 21 - 17th Annual Golf Scramble , at Winterstone Golf Course, Independence, MO
December 2 - 25th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Zing! , at The City House, Independence, MO
December 16 - 65th Annual Bellringing for Salvation Army, 18th annual Caroling Caravan for Fox4 Love Fund for Children

Chapter Leadership

Director - Carter Combs
President - Mike Schumacher

HOA Awards & Honors

Barbershopper of the Year - Barry Sanders
Wade Dexter Harmony University Scholarship - Kerry Rawlins

CSD Awards, Honors, & Roles

CSD Barbershopper of the Year - Carter Combs


February 14 - 33rd Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 17 - 45th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
April 6 - 75th Annual Show, "W.H.O.A. Radio" - featuring Fleet Street, 4's Company , at The City House, Independence, MO
September 19 - 18th Annual Golf Scramble , at Winterstone Golf Course, Independence, MO
December 7 - 26th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Home, 4's Company , at The City House, Independence, MO
December 14 - 19th Annual Caroling Caravan for Fox4 Love Fund for Children

Chapter Leadership

Director - Carter Combs
President - Mike Schumacher

HOA Awards & Honors

Joe Stern Lifetime Achievement Award - Mike Schumacher
Barbershopper of the Year - John Braden
John Cross Award - Danny Anderson
Wade Dexter Harmony University Scholarship - Chris Walker

SCJC Awards & Honors

SCJC Judge Emeritus - David Krause


February 14 - 34th Annual Singing Valentines, benefiting Children's Mercy Hospital
February 22 - 46th Annual Harmony Explosion, youth barbershop harmony festival
April 5 - 76th Annual Show, "Reunion" - featuring First Class , at The City House, Independence, MO
September - 19th Annual Golf Scramble , at Winterstone Golf Course, Independence, MO
December 6 - 27th Annual Holiday Harmony Spectacular, with Kansas City Chorus - featuring Lady A Cappella , at Unity Village, MO
December 20 - 20th Annual Caroling Caravan for Fox4 Love Fund for Children

Chapter Leadership

Director - Carter Combs
President - Danny Anderson