CAR Quartet Champions

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  • Quartets in the Cardinal District may compete in the fall District Competition, the spring International Qualifier, or both. This page covers the fall District contest.

Cardinal District Quartet Champions

Year Quartet Chapter(s) Members (Tenor, Lead, Bari, Bass)
2024 Presto! Northern Kentucky, KY Lindsay Patrick, Jennifer Cooke, Kathe Schellman, Kris Hawkins Wheaton
2023 Bourbonaires Northern Kentucky, KY; Louisville, KY Kevin Hughes, Drew Wheaton, Brandon Hall, Whitney Nall
2022 Family Ties Greater Indianapolis, IN; Frank Thorne Kim Salyer, David Hicks, Theo Hicks, Dave Hicks
2019 cityScape Louisville, KY; Nashville, TN Allen Reynolds, Howard McAdory, Jay Hawkins, Tony Clifton
2018 Insight Elizabethtown, KY; Terre Haute, IN; Kokomo, IN; Greater Indianapolis, IN; Columbus-Greenwood, IN; Frank Thorne Steven Bogaerts, Warren Weitkamp, Phil Griggs, Adam Wheeley
2017 Playlist Muncie, IN; Fort Wayne, IN Joseph Bourne, Bryan Hughes, Scott Trout, Patrick Garmire
2016 The Collective Louisville, KY; Mammoth Cave, KY; Frank Thorne Kipp Buckner, Derek Guyer, Todd Buckner, Adam Wheeley
2015 The Rooftops Louisville, KY; Muncie, IN; Greater Indianapolis, IN; Frank Thorne Erek Gillespie, Bryan Hughes, Josh Hughes, Chris Gregory
2014 Late Shift Greater Indianapolis, IN; Columbus/Greenwood, IN Tim Martin, Andrew Myer, Bob Kendall, Adam Winans
2013 Big Time Mammoth Cave, KY Drew Kirkman, Derek Guyer, Drew Ellis, Joel Guyer
2012 Replay Greater Indianapolis, IN; Elizabethtown, KY Steven Bogaerts, Kelly Andrews, Bob Kendall, Adam Winans
2011 Instant Classic Greater Indianapolis, IN; South Bend-Mishawaka, IN David Zimmerman, Theo Hicks, Kohl Kitzmiller, Kyle Kitzmiller
2010 Forefront Greater Indianapolis, IN; Terre Haute, IN; Greater Central Ohio; Santa Fe Springs, CA Garry Texeira, Kevin Hughes, Aaron Hughes, Brian O'Dell
2009 Anthem Greater Indianapolis, IN Daniel Grant, Andrew Myer, Duane Henry, Larry Klein
2008 65-South Elizabethtown, KY; Lexington, KY Will Mudd-Simmons, Aaron Dale, James Pennington, Chris Gregory
2007 The Edge Greater Indianapolis, IN; Muncie, IN; Lexington, KY Peter McCormick, Logan Horn, Tony Millspaugh, Brad McAlexander
2006 The Arrangement Terre Haute, IN Steven Bogaerts, Warren Weitkamp, Bob Kendall, Jeremy Conover
2005 Quartizzle Greater Indianapolis, IN Aaron Rosenau, Dave Bjork, Jeff Braun, Drew Stainbrook
2004 Boundary Line Frank Thorne Joel Guyer, Warren Guyer, Derek Guyer, Myron Whittlesey
2003 Keep 'Em Guessin' Greater Indianapolis, IN; Terre Haute, IN Kurt Vogel, Bryan Hughes, Aaron Hughes, Terry Wence
2002 Afterthought Terre Haute, IN Sean Maloney, Warren Weitkamp, Chris Gelb, Jeremy Conover
2001 The Chase South Bend-Mishawaka, IN; Louisville Metro, KY Ken Limerick, Bill Griffel, Kirk Wood, Chris Gregory
2000 The Sensations Louisville, KY Dave Hasch, Kenny Hatton, Jon Nicholas, Jay Hawkins
1999 Intermission Riff South Bend-Mishawaka, IN Ed Pinkerton, Kelly Andrews, Gaylord Miller, Scott Kitzmiller
1998 Wabash Avenue Terre Haute, IN; Valparaiso, IN Bryan Hughes, Paul Fernando, Aaron Hughes, Vince Winans
1997 Soundproof Evansville, IN Doug Minor, Don Sauls, Gary McCarty, Dave Evans
1996 Inside Track South Bend-Mishawaka, IN; Valparaiso, IN; Terre Haute, IN Ken Limerick, Paul Fernando, Clay Shumard, Vince Winans
1995 Michigan Jake Louisville Metro, KY Chris Hale, Mark Hale, Gary Davis, Greg Hollander
1994 Black Tie Affair South Bend-Mishawaka, IN; Valparaiso, IN Ken Limerick, Paul Fernando, Gaylord Miller, Scott Kitzmiller
1993 Motive Evansville, IN; Indianapolis, IN Virgil Sauls, Dave Sauls, Don Sauls, Chris Gregory
1992 Backstage Pass Lake County, IN; South Bend-Mishawaka, IN Ken Limerick, George Harper, Gaylord Miller, Tom Kentish
1991 Private Stock Valparaiso, IN; Lake County, IN Tony Kruk, George Harper, Don Clark, Dave Voll
1990 High Spirits Louisville, KY; Terre Haute, IN; Indianapolis, IN Scott Bradford, Bill Book, Dick Treptow, Brian Doepke
1989 Final Four Indianapolis, IN Howard Foster, Dave Newcomer, Dave Sauls, Ron Pierce
1988 Promissory Notes Marion, IN; Ft Wayne, IN; South Bend-Mishawaka, IN Tony Millspaugh, Mark Bonahoom, Gaylord Miller, Brian Doepke
1987 Sound System Mammoth Cave, KY Mike Wheeley, Phil Kinser, Mark Hale, Greg Hollander
1984 Class Of '84 Louisville, KY Gary Dodge, David Hasch, Jon Nicholas, Jamie Meyer
1983 Kentucky Transfer Western Kentucky John Wood, Phil Fowler, Tom Morris, Harvey Polk
1982 Interstate Rivals Louisville, KY; Western Hills (Cincinnati), OH Kipp Buckner, Joe Connelly, Geoff Mucha, Jay Hawkins
1981 Rogue's Gallery Louisville, KY; Greenwood, IN; Columbus, IN Jim Luse, Dave Galbraith, Jerry Tracey, Mike Gill
1980 Harrington Brothers Louisville, KY Doug Harrington, Dave Harrington, Jeff Harrington, Mike Harrington
1979 Circle City Sound & Production Co. Indianapolis, IN Terry Alexander, Bill Book, Tom Bohannon, Ron Pierce
1978 The Barons Lexington, KY; Mammoth Cave, KY Bud Haggard, Chuck Morris, John Heaton, Bill Woodward
1977 Cardinals Evansville, IN Dick Griffith, Mike Lucas, Don Julian, Virgil Sauls
1976 Landmarks Hobart, IN Bob Zimney, Butch Koth, Bill Carbon, Don York
1975 Hands Of Time Indianapolis, IN Mal Long, Dave Galbraith, Bob West, Art Atkinson
1974 Bluegrass Student Union Louisville, KY Allen Hatton, Kenny Hatton, Dan Burgess, Rick Staab
1973 Daybreak Express Indianapolis, IN Dave McPhee, Don Bong, Don Laughlin, Fred Parker
1972 Captain's Choice Indianapolis, IN Bob Weiss, Jerry McPhee, Steve Jordan, Mike Gill
1971 Lakeshore Harmony Four Hobart, IN Bob Zimney, Bob Eyler, Don Marovich, Don York
1970 Mid Americans Cincinnati, OH; Covington, KY; Muncie, IN Bob Weiss, Don Decker, Jack Whitsett, Jack Craven
1969 Downsmen Louisville, KY Murril Luse, C.A. Oberhausen, Jack L Forman, Richard Brown
1968 Last Straws Gary, IN Jerry Kissinger, Bill Andreae, Harley Martin, Dick Ede
1967 Nu-Tones Gary, IN Bill Carbon, Dick earnest, Wayne Turnipseed, Dave Walker
1966 Fun-Tonics Muncie, IN Bob Weiss, Dave Ball, Jack Whitsett, Wally Lawrence
1965 Citations Louisville, KY Bob Netherton, Jim Miller, Ken Buckner, Bob Burnett
1964 Dukes of Harmony Lexington, KY Bob Haggard, George House, Bud Haggard, Bill Woodward
1963 Roadrunners Gary, IN; Michigan City, IN Don Willis, Mike Draves, Jerry Kissinger, Slats Ramer
1962 Club House Four Louisville, KY Pat Stivers, Shrader Miller, Joe Wise, Tim Stivers
1961 Funtastic Four Evansville, IN Don Julian, Mac Huff, Virgil Sauls, Jim Ewing
1960 Hoosier Statesmen Indianapolis, IN Gary Viehe, Dave Viehe, Bob Brock, Frank Church
1959 The Derbytowners Louisville, KY Jim Miller, Howard Bonkofsky, Bill Benner, Bob Burnett
1958 Kordinators Indianapolis, IN ____ McPhee, ____ McAvoy, ____ Miller, ____ Madden
1957 Four Scraps Of Harmony Gary, IN ____ Johnston, Wayne Turnipseed, Jim Foley, Dick Ede
1956 The Dunesmen Gary, IN Jerry Kissinger, Harley Martin, Jim Foley, John Zula
1955 The Sandpipers Gary, IN Bob Tokash, Wayne Turnipseed, Dick Mackin, Bob Lange
1954 Dixieliners Evansville, IN ____ Negley, ____ Viehe, ____ Evans, ____ McPhee
1953 Clef Chefs Elkhart, IN; Mishawaka, IN Joseph Chamberlin, K Chamberlin, C Chamberlin, Lee Kidder
1952 Four Flames Owensboro, KY ____ Melford, ____ Vestal, ____ Brown, ____ Meacham
1951 Three Kids and A Goat Terre Haute, IN Jack Beeson, ____ Jones, ____ Denehie, Carl C Jones
1950 Templaires Muncie, IN ____ Cooley, ____ Turner, ____ Tobey, ____ Klopenstein
1949 Chamberlin Brothers Mishawaka, IN Joseph Chamberlin, Jack Chamberlin, Frank Chamberlin, Bill Chamberlin
1948 Minor Chords Terre Haute, IN Jack Beeson, Harry Rowe, Carl A Jones, Carl C Jones
1948 Four Shades of Harmony Terre Haute, IN Mel Jenkins, Bob Sisson, Kenny Roman, Conway Harrold
1947 Evansville Barbershop Chorus Evansville, IN Bill Henn, Vernon C. Ashby, Jim Leslie, Lee Fleming
1946 Harmonaires Gary, IN Roy Bortz, Paul Dodds, Clinton Miller, Bill Hess
1945 Doctors of Harmony Elkhart, IN Jumbo Smith, Max Cripe, Butch Hummel, Lee Kidder

See Also

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