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Ringtones! Semi-Finals 2007

2010 Harmony, Inc. International Quartet Champions

Ringtones!, a young, vibrant barbershop quartet hailing from both sides of the border, formed on New Years Eve 2005. They have a combined age of 93 and come together with varying degrees of barbershop experience, from having never sung in a quartet before to having sung several times on the International Stage.

The quartet consists of two American members and two Canadian members. Samantha Swanson and Julia Borsari are members of New England Voices in Harmony, from Nashua, New Hampshire, while Lindsay Chartier and Jennifer Wheaton are members of Montreal City Voices, from Montreal, Quebec.

Quartet Members

  • Tenor - Samantha Swanson
  • Lead - Jennifer Wheaton
  • Baritone - Julia Borsari
  • Bass - Lindsay Chartier

Contest Placements

International Contests

2007 2008 2009 2010
3rd 3rd 2nd 1st

Area Contests

  • 2009 - Out-Of-Area Qualification for International
  • 2008 - Out-Of-Area Qualification for International
  • 2007 - Area 2 Champions and qualification for International

Member Biographies

Samantha Swanson

Samantha Swanson (20) has been singing barbershop since the age of 10, and was a founding member of Harmony, Inc. chorus New England Voices in Harmony. She is currently singing with St. Louis Harmony Chorus, with Sweet Adelines International. From Nashua, NH, she is a junior at Washington University in St. Louis, working towards a Bachelor of Music in Music History. Samantha is a member of the university's Concert Choir, a staff singer in the choir of the Church of St. Michael and St. George, and sings in Ficta, a voice/lute duet that performs music of the Renaissance. Outside of barbershop, her passion is early music (music of the medieval and Renaissance periods), and she plans to get a masters degree in early music vocal performance.

Ask anyone in Ringtones!...Sam is VERY blonde, never stops singing to herself, and has a habit of spazzing about beautiful chords!

Jennifer Wheaton

Jennifer Wheaton (24) is from St. Hubert, Quebec. Jen grew up in the barbershop world, and has been a member of Montreal City Voices since April of 1998. She is the assistant director of the chorus, and has competed with them on both the Area and International Stages. Besides Ringtones!, Jen has competed with two other quartets, Under the Wire (2002) and 4 The Fun Of It (2004-2005). Jen loves singing in quartets. So much so that she also has a long-distance Young Women In Harmony (SAI) quartet, The Brats.

Jen is very passionate about music and language. She is currently a Linguistics major at Concordia University, in Montreal. She plans to do a Masters in Speech and Language Pathology, but not sure, yet where. She just finished an international exchange semester at University of Connecticut, and is looking forward to her next semester at University of New Hampshire.

One of Jen’s other passions is nature. She is an amateur nature photographer, and has had a couple of her photos published.

Julia Borsari

Julia Borsari, 21, sang her first note in a barbershop chord at the age of 4, while watching the Mitch Miller PBS special featuring Acoustix. She sang the baritone note, and has been singing baritone ever since!

Julia was raised around barbershop. Her grandfather, Jim Dodge, her aunt, Wendy McCoole, and her mom, Debbie Borsari, have been actively involved in the hobby for Julia's entire life. She joined New England Voices in Harmony, based in Nashua, NH, when she was only 11 and was also a member of her middle school chorus, her high school chorus, the Select Chorus, and was selected to participate in the New England Music Festival while in high school. Julia is thrilled to be singing in her very first quartet, Ringtones!

Julia is currently a senior at Kent State University in Ohio studying Fashion Merchandising. She is a member of the Kent Women's Chorus and the Kent Community Chorus, and is hoping to become involved in barbershop singing at the school. Her home is in Peterborough, NH where she lives (when not at school) with her mom, dad, and 17-year-old brother, Joe.

Lindsay Chartier

Lindsay Chartier, 32, is from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Lindsay's involvement in barbershop singing began in 1994 when she sang lead with a mixed youth quartet, The Mixed Nuts, and since then she has been loving every minute of it!

She is a dual member of Harmony, Inc. and Sweet Adelines International and has quartetting experience in both organizations. She is also an Associate of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

She has called Montreal City Voices home since August 1996, and in December 2004 became their front line director.

When she is not singing or directing, Lindsay actively coaches choruses and quartets and has taught classes at Area 2 Conventions and Education Days.

Lindsay has her decree from Dawson College in Community Recreation Leadership Training and is currently employed as an Administrative Assistant in the Donations & Development Departement at the Shriners Hospitals for Children - Canada.

On July 30, 2011, Lindsay married Mark Holdeman of Dallas, Texas. It was their passion of barbershop music that brought them together. It is their love and passion for life that promises a lifetime of happiness and beautiful music making. ,


None yet!

Extended History

Coming Soon!!

External Links