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Barbershop music began in the United States, but the style has spread itself worldwide. The Barbershop Harmony Society only covers the United States and Canada, but barbershoppers in other countries have founded their own societies to spread the word in their parts of the world and help Keep the Whole World Singing. BHS has formed formal alliances with many of these brethren brotherhoods.

Each Affiliate society holds its own annual quartet and chorus competitions. Competitors scoring above a certain threshold are invited to compete in the annual BHS International Competition, exactly as if they had qualified in a BHS District. Few actually attend, due to the cost and rigors of international travel. As of July 2018, two (sets of) International Quartet gold medals have gone to Affiliate quartets, as well as four Quartet silver medals, six Quartet bronze medals, and five Collegiate Quartet gold medals.

During the BHS International Convention, national anthems are sung at the the opening of each quartet session. Canada and the US are honored before the quartet finals; they have the most citizens in attendance, and the host Society (BHS) covers both countries. Affiliate quartets sing their own national anthems to open the quarterfinal sessions. Quartets competing in session #1 help open session #2, and vice versa.

Official Affiliate Societies

BHA* Barbershop Harmony Australia formerly Australian Association of Men Barbershop Singers
BABS British Association of Barbershop Singers
BinG!* Barbershop in Germany
HH* Holland Harmony Merged with Dutch Association of Barbershop Singers
IABS* Irish Association of Barbershop Singers
FABS* Finnish Association of Barbershop Singers
MBHA* Mixed Barbershop Harmony Association North America
BHNZ* Barbershop Harmony New Zealand formerly New Zealand Association of Barbershop Singing
BIBA* Barbershop of IBeria Association formerly SABS
SNOBS Society of Nordic Barbershop Singers
SPATS Southern Part of Africa Tonsorial Singers
  • denotes a mixed organisation

Women's Societies

HI Harmony, Inc. US and Canada
LABBS Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers United Kingdom
SAI Sweet Adelines International global

Other Societies

BAFFI Barbershop Association for Formations of Italy
BASS Barbershop Association of Singapore Singers

See Also

External Links