To Do List
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The To Do List is a compilation of content and features that are requested; you may add requests to this list. Please help out by working towards completing these tasks. When a task is completed, you can cross it out by using the strike command.
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BHS Content
- Update all these pages with info about Toronto 2013 International Convention:
- BHS International Convention
Template:BHSquartetchamps- BHS International Quartet Champions
- BHS International Quartet Medalists
- BHS International Quartet Finalists
- BHS International Chorus Champions
- BHS International Chorus Medalists
- BHS International Collegiate Quartet Champions
- All the individual competitor pages such as The Northern Lights, Masterpiece, and The Newfangled Four
- Add more links here as additional needed updates are identified
- Update info and format for Barbershop Harmony Society
Create page for Harmony Foundation
BHS Districts
- Update info and format. Use JAD as an example.
- Member chapters
Link to website, if any(create wiki page later)
List all District quartet champs- Wiki all Int'l competitors
List all District chorus champsWiki all Int'l competitors- Create page for each
BHS Categories
Create Category:(District)- see Category:Unknown DistrictAdjust choruses pages- Adjust quartet pages
- Expand Category:Barbershop Icons
- Create pages.
- Wiki existing references to these people
- Create Category:AIC, for people. Quartets should remain in "BHS Int'l Quartet Champs".
- Populate. (Create pages. Combine existing bios?)
- Wiki existing references to these people.
- Create parallels for Seniors and Collegiate.
- Populate. (Create pages. Combine existing bios?)
- Wiki existing references to these people.
- Create parallels for Medalists, Finalists, Semi-Finalists. Correct naming?
- Populate. (Create pages. Combine existing bios?)
- Wiki existing references to these people.
Create Category:BHS International Quartet ChampionAdd Category tag to all BHS quartet champ pages
Create Category:BHS International Quartet Medalists- Populate. See BHS International Quartet Medalists
Create Category:BHS International Quartet Finalists- Populate. (Create pages)
- Create Category:BHS International Quartet Semifinalists
- Populate. (Create pages)
- Create pages for all Int'l Competitors
- Create pages for all District Champions
Create Category:BHS International Chorus ChampionAdd Category tag to all BHS chorus champ pages
Create Category:BHS International Chorus Medalists- Populate. (Create pages)
- Create pages for all Int'l Competitors
- Create pages for all District Champions
BHS Quartet Champs
- Recordings (Done so far: 1993-2009)
- Contest history:
Internationaland District External Links: Official (if any), AIC, Wikipedia- See Also: <Dist> District Quartet Champions
- Section: Also Sang With
BHS Chorus Champs
Format BHS International Chorus ChampionsCreate individual pages for all BHS chorus champs- format pages
- pictures
- Complete International and District contest histories
BHS Seniors Champs
Create BHS International Seniors Quartet Champions- info hereCreate individual pages for each seniors quartet champ- format pages
- pictures
Identify who sang which part (Missing: 1986-88, 90-97, 99)- International and District contest histories
BHS Collegiate Champs
- format pages
- pictures
- Identify members, and who sang which part
- Complete International and District contest histories
SAI Content
- Needs just about everything!
- Sweet Adelines International
- Initial page exists, modeled after BHS. SAI now redirects.
Add list of SAI Quartet Championsadd page for each SAI Quartet champ- Add pictures
- Add Category:Region - 1950, 57-59, 63, 69, 72, 74, 96-97, 2003, 05-06
- Add Contest History, including Regional
Add list of SAI Chorus Championsadd page for each SAI chorus champ- Add picture/logo
- Add history
- (Famous) Chapter quartets?
- Flesh out Contest History, including Regional
Add list of SAI Rising Star Championsadd page for each SAI Rising Star champ- Add pictures
- Add Category:Region - 1999, 2000, 2005, 2006, 2009
- contest history
- quartet history
Add pages for each Region- Need everything!
- Logo
- Geography
- History
Regional champ quartetsRegional champ choruses- External site for Region 30?
- Regions shuffled in 2013. [1] 7, 22, 23, 24 dissolved.
- Update Region pages+categories
- Update Chorus pages+categories
- Update affected Quartet pages+categories
HI Content
- Needs just about everything!
- Harmony, Inc.
- Initial page made, modeled after BHS. HI now redirects, as do several naming variations.
Add list of Harmony QueensCreate page for each quartet champ- Category:Area
- Picture
- Contest history
- Quartet/individual history
Add list of HI Chorus Champions- Create page for each chorus champ
- Category:Area
- Picture
- Contest history
- Chorus history
Add pages for each Area- Need just about everything!
Affiliate Content
Add page Affiliates. Overall description of what affiliate groups are.Add page describing Sing Canada Harmony with link to external site
- Introduction/Overview
- History
- Governance/Organization
- Chapters
- Conventions
- Categories:
BABS,BABS Choruses,BABS Quartets - List of chapters
Complete lists of gold medalist quartets and choruses- Pages for each chorus champ
- Pages for each quartet champ
- Pages for each chorus competing at BHS Int'l
- Pages for each quartet competing at BHS Int'l
LABBS (Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers)
- Categories:
LABBS,LABBS Quartets,LABBS Choruses Complete lists of gold medalist quartets and choruses- List of chapters
- Pages for each chorus champ
- Pages for each quartet champ
- Formatting, to look like other Affiliates and BHS Districts
- Link to chorus pages/websites
- List/Page of National Quartet Champions
- List/Page of National Chorus Champions
- Introduction/Overview
- History
- Chapter List
- Conventions / Competitions
- National Champion Quartets
- National Champion Choruses
- Needs everything. Official website's English content doesn't work.
- Introduction / Overview
- Governance / Organization
- List of chapters
- Categories:
NZABS,NZABS Choruses,NZABS Quartets - Governance / Organization
- Organized list of chapters
- Pages for each chorus champ
- Pages for each quartet champ
- Pages for each chorus competing at BHS Int'l
- Pages for each quartet competing at BHS Int'l
- Categories:
SNOBS,SNOBS Choruses,SNOBS Quartets List of chapters- Overview / Introduction
- History
- Governance / Organization
- Conventions / Competitions
- Pages for each chorus champ
- Pages for each quartet champ
- Pages for each chorus competing at BHS Int'l
- Pages for each quartet competing at BHS Int'l
- Categories: SABS, SABS Choruses, SABS Quartets
- List of chapters
- Overview / Introduction
- History
- Governance / Organization
- Conventions / Competitions
- Pages for each chorus champ
- Pages for each quartet champ
- Pages for each chorus competing at BHS Int'l
- Pages for each quartet competing at BHS Int'l
- Needs everything. Zero content so far. No website at all?
- Crosslink int'l champs who have namespace collisions
- Example: Keepsake (BHS) and Keepsake (HI) link to each other, just after the page title
- Create most-wanted pages from Special:WantedPages
Site Administration
Create Help Section- Remove extraneous help material/customize for this site
WikiTable format for entire siteCreate logo for top left of main pageNav template for BHS quartetsNav template for BHS chorusesNav template for BHS DistrictsNav template for Affiliates- should SAI, HI, LABBS be included?Nav template for Collegiate ChampionsInstall anti-spam extension