BHS Intl Quartet Contest 2017

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Las Vegas, Nevada

5-8 July, 2017.

Detailed scoresheets can be found on the Harmonet reporter website [1].

Medalists (3 rounds)

Place Quartet District Score Medal
1 Main Street SUN 8354 = 92.8 gold on blue
2 Signature SUN 8329 = 92.5 silver on red
3 After Hours ILL 8199 = 91.1 bronze on red
4 Throwback SUN 8149 = 90.5 bronze on red
5 Quorum JAD 8057 = 89.5 bronze on red

Finalists (3 rounds)

Place Quartet District Score
6 Stockholm Syndrome SNOBS 7915 = 87.9
7 Category 4 DIX 7861 = 87.3
8 Artistic License FWD 7844 = 87.2
9 The Newfangled Four FWD 7828 = 87.0
10 'Round Midnight MAD 7721 = 85.8

Semi-Finalists (2 rounds)

Place Quartet District Score
11 Rooftop Records SUN 5075 = 84.6
12 Flipside EVG 5051 = 84.2
13 The Core JAD 5049 = 84.2
14 Yonge Guns ONT 4977 = 83.0
15 Route 1 MAD 4957 = 82.6
16 Gimme Four MAD 4940 = 82.3
17 Clutch SWD 4938 = 82.3
18 Pratt Street Power MAD 4936 = 82.3
19 Reckless BABS 4893 = 81.6
20 Late Shift CAR 4885 - 81.4

Quarter-Finalists (1 round)

Place Quartet District Score
21 BoomTown CSD 2413 = 80.4
22 Blindside BHA 2411 = 80.4
22 Frank the Dog MAD 2408 = 80.3
24 Midnight Croon LOG 2407 = 80.2
25 The Con Men JAD 2396 = 79.9
26 Harmonium CSD 2391 = 79.7
27 Kordal Kombat LOL 2376 = 79.2
28 Finest Hour BABS 2375 = 79.2
29 Zero Hour NSC 2369 = 79.0
30 The Crew JAD 2368 = 78.9
30 Vintage Stock CSD 2368 = 78.9
32 Fleet Street CSD 2363 = 78.8
33 Boardwalk DIX 2361 = 78.7
34 CHORD SMASH! LOL 2357 = 78.6
35 Frontier PIO 2353 = 78.4
36 4.0 EVG 2353 = 78.4
37 Maelstrom RMD 2352 = 78.4
38 Up All Night MAD 2347 = 78.2
39 Dream Machine SNOBS 2346 = 78.2
40 Fuego SUN 2345 = 78.2
40 Test Drive ONT 2345 = 78.2
42 Drive NED 2339 = 78.0
43 Showpiece SWD 2327 = 77.6
44 Forecast MAD 2321 = 77.4
45 Southern Company SWD 2320 = 77.3
46 The Committee ILL 2309 = 77.0
47 'Shoptimus Prime ONT 2306 = 76.9
48 The Hemidemisemiquaver 4 PIO 2300 = 76.7
49 The Collective CAR 2298 = 76.6
50 Speakeasy JAD 2297 = 76.6
51 Lockout BHA 2294 = 76.5
52 Hanfris SABS 2288 = 76.3
53 Upper Deck PIO 2276 = 75.9
54 The Pine RMD 2260 = 75.3
55 ColdSnap SLD 2249 = 75.0

External Links

Harmonet Reporter Scoresheets

Barbershop Harmony Society - International Quartet Competition
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